25 Replies to “L. Messi vs C. Ronaldo ● The Ultimate War ● HeilRJ and Rom7ooo ||HD||”

  1. in 2011 / 12 season messi was the highest scorer in laliga , ucl, season`s highest scorer and broke gerd mullers record including a copa delrey with barca.and ronaldo just won the laliga. messi obviously deserved it in 2012 dude.shut ur mouth when u dont know any thin about football.

  2. Messi tiene 4 balones de oro y la humanidad tiene una menos que Cristiano…fin del debate.

  3. vean en el minuto 1:30 ay 3 batos con camisete anaranjada que estan calentando el que se esta moviendo desaparece de la nada

  4. ronaldo is not constant?
    you kidding me, did you start watching football yesterday?
    there is something called showboating, if you arent familiar with a term, messi is natural, while ronaldo is talented.
    There is a diff.

  5. if u judge in this way why did messi wins the 2012 golden ball ? the blind could know that ronaldo was better that year! wins the laliga and the golden shoes the cnn said that there are voters who voted for messi because they like him more than ronaldo! not in football just for liking him u can see it if u want :)smiling something like cheating,not fair,dirty games here this year riberey deserves it the last year cr7 and the one before it inista and before it shnayder messi only deserves 2009

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